Actors Justin Long and Mike White have teamed up for a new pro-gay marriage video campaign, which demonstrates that marriage is just as much drudgery for gay couples as it is for straight.
The video is entitled “Make Homosexuals Marry,” and it follows the life of gay couple Devin and Glenn, who meet cute at a gay cameraboys pride parade, fall in love, marry in a traditional Jewish ceremony and are soon dealing with the everyday difficulties that all married couples – gay and straight – experience at one time or another.
The couple starts off their life together with fiery passion and cuddling contentedly on the couch. Then the meddling in-laws arrive, weight is gained, pee is left on the toilet seat, their sex life cools and suspicions of infidelity creep in to the ever-increasing distance between them on the couch. The video ends with the now older gay couple staring mournfully at the younger version of themselves, in a grocery store parking lot, jumping gleefully into each others arms to the beat of Lady Gaga.
The voiceover then intones, “If you disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, support overturning Prop 8 and make them get married, like the rest of us.”
The writers/directors of the video created the “Make Homosexuals Marry” campaign to “keep the No on 8 debate active in hopes that, through humor, a dialogue continues,” said Will Speck and Josh Gordon.